David Majedi

Sep 08, 2015

Care to Share – a hard-working mother receives a free car

At AUTORAMA, voted the Best Used Car Dealership in Toronto – 3 years in a row, they understand full well that the vast majority of individuals who come into their place of business may not have a lot of disposable income available to purchase a vehicle. In fact, there are some who love to look at the array of gleaming previously-enjoyed cars available who, for whatever reason, may find that buying and owning a vehicle is beyond their means.

AUTORAMA President, Nasser Rad, is well aware of this. He and his staff have come up with an innovative program that’s all part of their paying it forward to the same community that has been very good to them. As a result, this business can provide some often much needed assistance to an individual – or family – whose need for even basic, safe, and well-maintained transportation might make all the difference.

They are proud to introduce their new program, “Care to Share: Free Cars for People in Need.” In the fast-paced environment that we live in, sometimes we overlook the essentials of life. AUTORAMA fervently believes that we should not forget those who live and work beside us. Giving back in this way may make the world of difference to a family by freeing up time without monthly payments.

A recent recipient is Sofie, a hard-working and inspiring mother. Sofie was nominated by her son, Donald. Donald recently enlisted in the Canadian Armed Forces after graduating college and has always been extremely grateful and proud of his mother who, for as long as the family remembers, has worked two jobs. Both jobs are at least 1.5 hours away by transit – each way. She leaves at 5:00am and comes back at 10:30 pm, five days a week. Then she cooks till 12:00 am and gets only four hours of sleep. She has always ensured that Donald and his brother are well cared for. Donald wanted to do something special for his mother. AUTORAMA came through and have made a difference in the lives of this family.

Perhaps there is someone whom you believe to be a qualified recipient of the AUTORAMA “Care to Share” award? Then please go online and make your nomination.

Why not stop in at AUTORAMA in North York at 1205 Finch Avenue West. Or, call ahead, 416-739-7362 to set up an appointment. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

a hard-working mother receives a free car

Inside Toronto

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David Majedi

David brings a decade of experience to his role as Finance Manager at Autorama. Having served a diverse clientele with unique financing needs over the years, he has gained comprehensive knowledge of the market and forged created relationships with all lenders, including banks and private lenders.